Mad Scientists Club

Science is an empirical method applied to collecting and measuring information about reality. Information collected is called data and is used to provide interpretations about observations. In many cases the data is biased by the observer making the interpretation inexact. Mad Science is about reality and how we use subjective facts and terms to explain it. Our hope is to look at information from many perspectives so as to determine its Truth, understanding that Truth is also a subjective term.

Monday, March 14, 2005

Consensus Reality

Science is showing that we have a hard time proving that anything exists outside of the human body. Perception of the outside is subject to the minds interpretation of chemical and electrical stimulation that senses receive from the outside world. When we touch an object the mind receive electrical impulses from the hand and interprets these impulses as an object. Outside of that we have no proof that an object exists. The same thing applies to the eyes, our taste, our hearing, and our sense of smell. Everything outside of our body is an interpretation determined by our genetics make up as seem by the minds eye. If we allowed ten blind men to examine an elephant for the first time what would the tell us. If the ten got together and discussed what they examined what would the then tell us. We know that other organisms see the world differently. Even the machines we create can see the world differently. We use our machines to hear sounds we can't hear and see colors we can not see. How do we decide if what the machines show us is real? How do we know that animals see in black and white or can see IR and UV? If you were to study the growth of knowledge you would find that when someone discovers something they spend most of their time convincing others they are correct. Only when they have convinced enough people does the information become accepted as fact. People then interact with reality based on this new information. This information is fact until some one comes along and disproves it. The cycle starts over. What many do not understand is we have spent thousands of years coming to the consensus reality we now experience. We spend our time asking someone to fix things. When it doesn't happen we blame them for our problems. The only one that can fix our problem is us. But the ego will not allow that to happen because then who would we blame.


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